Paintings > Universal

Life sometimes can be a Tangle when emotions enter into issues that should be otherwise emotional less. Getting out of a tangle and staying focused is a challenge known to all humans at one time or other in their lives. One can appreciate this particular feeling when all seems so intertwined there seems to be no end to it all. Take heart! Find the secret to unraveling this kanundrum of Universal Truth in the deepest thoughts of your mind you have been unwilling to face. Regain your identity and balance in all levels of your life.

With today's political World arena so screwed up this message is most appropriate. Life is changing fast enough due to newer technology moment by moment. There is a lot of errors in it but also a much needed exposure of true realities. Each person's reality may differ in experience and expression but when it comes to "...right in front of you" all will be able to say pretty much the same thing that the systems we have come to know so well are in dire need of re-do. Not just changing but complete re-do of infrastructure values on which this great U.S. Country is built. Remembering 9-11 and most recent terror attacks to persons of gender orientation speaks loud the words WE HAVE FORGOTTEN OUR TOLERANCE OF OTHERS! Not the viscious attacks but the understanding that The World is under influences of those who do not want to accept 21st century values of equality and respect. This Great Nation is in a TANGLE or jugernaut of indecisions only resolved by the consciousness of each individual willing to participate in a healthy way of bettering life for all. Our U.S. Democracy was built on Freedom from any influences that created or separated peoples' values from each other due to nationality root orgins. Each of us needs to reasses our integrety and face life's challenges with renewed hope of improving that which we cherish most, our individual right of FREE CHOICE. This Nation of ours chooses to help the Nations of the World with respect and integrity, thus recognizing everyone's Free Choice. Thus, opening our Country to refugees of the World whatever they may be demands in return their Respect and Participation in the process of Fredom For All. (Refer to present political situation.)

Tangle, an emotional responce to ongoing stress issues.